Apr 28, 2020 | Conscious Living, Learning, Productivity
I am finding myself quite affected; affected by the restrictions this COVID-19 has put on us humans, and affected by my own reactions to it. I am a free spirit and loathe being told what I can do and what not. So here I am, in my house, pretty much isolated, other...
Jan 6, 2020 | Conscious Living
I was driving away from the house in which I had grown up in, tears running down my face. It was the last time I would ever see it again, ever set foot in it as the house and surrounding farm buildings were going to be demolished. I was devastated. A few days later I...
Jun 1, 2018 | Conscious Living
I stopped dead in my tracks. There was, about 5-6 feet from me, a skunk walking straight towards me. Now, I definitely didn’t want to get sprayed …. What should I do? Run? Walk? Stay put? I decided to stay put. I’ve learned that sudden movement can...
Apr 5, 2018 | Conscious Living, Relationships
Over the past few months I’ve been through an emotional roller coaster; I felt exhausted, tears shooting into my eyes as soon as someone as much as looked at me, and I hardly held it together. Combine sleep deprivation with emotional stress and you have the picture....
May 5, 2015 | Business Tools, Conscious Living, Relationships, Virtual Assistance
Do you ever experience this gut-wrenching feeling? You are about to fall, fall really deep; and you are totally powerless to prevent it. You’re hanging on a rope with only one thread holding you that is about to break and throw you down into that deep crevice...
Sep 7, 2012 | Conscious Living, Relationships, Work/Life Balance
Our visitors have gone and all that’s left are the wonderful memories. I am filled with love for our families who came to celebrate with us, my husband’s and my milestones, but also my nephew’s Wedding a week later. The memories will live with...