What does the caterpillar have to do with me?

What does the caterpillar have to do with me?

I was driving away from the house in which I had grown up in, tears running down my face. It was the last time I would ever see it again, ever set foot in it as the house and surrounding farm buildings were going to be demolished. I was devastated. A few days later I...
What meeting the skunk taught me

What meeting the skunk taught me

I stopped dead in my tracks. There was, about 5-6 feet from me, a skunk walking straight towards me. Now, I definitely didn’t want to get sprayed …. What should I do? Run? Walk? Stay put? I decided to stay put. I’ve learned that sudden movement can...
When everything seems to fall apart

When everything seems to fall apart

Over the past few months I’ve been through an emotional roller coaster; I felt exhausted, tears shooting into my eyes as soon as someone as much as looked at me, and I hardly held it together. Combine sleep deprivation with emotional stress and you have the picture....