Nov 2, 2017 | Business Tools, Efficiency, Relationships, Virtual Assistance, Virtual Assistant Tips, Work/Life Balance
When I started working with my first client, a successful leadership coach whom I worked with for more than 4 years, I had just graduated as a Virtual Assistant. Sarah lived not too far from me and so we sometimes worked together in her home or we met at times...
Sep 18, 2017 | Business Tools, Relationships, Virtual Assistance, Virtual Assistant Tips, Work/Life Balance
When asked whether they work with a Virtual Assistant, business owners will often respond as follows: – I cannot afford a VA – I’m experimenting with a few tools to see what I like – I can do it – I just need to work a few nights It’s...
Feb 2, 2016 | Business Tools, Efficiency, Virtual Assistance, Work/Life Balance
If you think you need to be a large company to outsource work you’re mistaken. You don’t even have to have a company. If you’re like most people, you just want to earn decent money and have enough free time to enjoy your family, friends, and go on a...
Oct 21, 2014 | Business Tools, Virtual Assistance, Work/Life Balance
I just returned from a vacation. We visited family and friends overseas; we re-connected, were entertained with wonderful meals, laughed a lot and did quite a bit of sight-seeing. I was torn about taking my work with me I was so torn. Should I take my work...
Sep 7, 2012 | Conscious Living, Relationships, Work/Life Balance
Our visitors have gone and all that’s left are the wonderful memories. I am filled with love for our families who came to celebrate with us, my husband’s and my milestones, but also my nephew’s Wedding a week later. The memories will live with...
Aug 15, 2012 | Conscious Living, Learning, Virtual Assistance, Work/Life Balance
It’s a time of celebrations: both my husband and I are having big Birthdays this year; and we are celebrating our 25th Wedding Anniversary. Is there a better reason to throw a party? Visitors arrived:from Germany and Holland, from Quebec and Ontario; up to...