Mar 18, 2021 | Relationships, Virtual Assistance
I am a prime example of someone who hasn’t said “No” enough in her life. Whether it was doing something for a friend, a quick brainstorm with someone that kept me from what I really should have been doing ….. you get the drift! And I am still...
Sep 24, 2018 | AssistU trained Virtual Assistant, Business Tools
I’ve often wondered what the most important qualities are that a Virtual Assistant should have. So, just for fun I created a WordArt with qualities that I want in my business, that make me enjoy my work more, and that represent the relationship that my client...
Jun 11, 2018 | Relationships, Virtual Assistant Tips
In today’s world business is done very differently from the “good old days.” We build relationships, get to know and trust each other and the people we have relationships with create referrals or become clients themselves. Ads no longer work well...
Apr 12, 2018 | Business Tools, Efficiency, Learning, Relationships, Virtual Assistance, Virtual Assistant Tips
When I started working with my first client I thought that within 2 months I’d have her business down pat. Of course, I had expected a learning curve… but I was in for a big surprise! We got off to a good start, exchanged pertinent foundational information, such...
Mar 29, 2018 | Relationships, Virtual Assistance, Virtual Assistant Tips
This week is a very sad one for me as my client and I are saying our Goodbyes. We have worked so very well together. The end of our working relationship is in no way related to any unhappiness or problems on either side; on the contrary, it is due to a career move....