Jul 9, 2012 | Conscious Living, Relationships, Virtual Assistance, Work/Life Balance
I am sitting on our boat in the 1000 Islands, just where Lake Ontario ends and the St. Lawrence River starts. The sky is a wonderful blue, incredibly, after this rainy morning. Boats are speeding by creating deep circle-like ridges in the water that come toward us and...
Jun 12, 2012 | Conscious Living, Learning, Relationships, Work/Life Balance
When I read this poem for the first time, it stopped me dead in my tracks. “Come to the edge” the voice said softly “No” they said it’s too high” “Come to the edge” the voice insisted “No” she said...
May 24, 2012 | Coaching, Learning, Virtual Assistance, Work/Life Balance
When I was a child, my parents often entertained guests for dinner. One day, Mom had been busy with preparations in the kitchen, deeply immersed in eggs, flour and butter, with her hair standing in every direction possible. This was a delicate dessert to make, and it...
May 17, 2011 | Coaching, Conscious Living, Learning, Virtual Assistance, Work/Life Balance
Have you ever done anything that scared you out of your wits? Do you ever get out of your comfort zone and step deeply into the fear factor? A few weeks ago I was one of nine women who rented a chalet for some well-deserved R&R. We had a full...
May 1, 2011 | Business Tools, Coaching, Learning, Public Speaking, Relationships, Virtual Assistance, Work/Life Balance
Out of the blue, an invitation arrives for something that you have never done. Do you run? What are the thoughts whirling through your head, are you panicky, are you welcoming this chance? I was invited to such an opportunity, to leap out of my comfort...
Mar 22, 2011 | Business Tools, Coaching, Conscious Living, Learning, Work/Life Balance
How do you see your year shaping up? What is your vision for your business, and your personal life? Sometimes we get so overwhelmed with the running of our businesses and lives that we forget to plan, and to focus on our goals. This is when creating a vision...